Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Death Metal Tattoos for Men and Women
Death Metal Tattoos for Men and Women 0
by:Prayag Verma

I wish I knew what this was, I really do. It looks like a totem pole of demons? With some kind of weird scarred-out blob in the middle. Is it a tribal-mutant batman logo? AND DO YOU SEE THE SCRATCHED UP FETUS ON HIS ELBOW? I mean really, how could you miss that? I don't even know what the stuff on his forearm is. If anyone can help decipher this, please let me know! I was staring at this guy for ages trying to figure it out. I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
bad tatoos is funny Tattoos
bad tatoos , Funny 0
by:Prayag Verma
The Force is Awesome
Lady gone Gaga
EDIT: Probably never coming back. Yep, she's gone for good. As well as this is done, you got Lady Gaga not only on the brain, but on the leg. Crazy good portrait though!
How to: Die
Tobias Beecher

Tobias Beecher
Cock Sauce: Got some kick
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tattoo Font Is Cool
Tattoo Font Is Cool 0
by:Prayag Verma

Bear in mind that the font art is primary and crucial. While your tattoo artist may present you with his or her catalogue of designs, taking ideas from other sources, such as font libraries of word processing software is a good option. Whatever font art you will choose, be sure that it should not be something that is difficult to read. Old English and Calligraphy texts might look artistic but the exceptional style of these two font types steals the attention from the name tattoo itself. The clarity of the name must supersede the attractiveness of the font art.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Canada Tattoos Designs
The Canada Tattoos Designs 0
by:Prayag Verma
Tattoos on humans are a type of decorative body modification, while tattoos on animals are most commonly used to determine the identity or brand. Of the Polynesian, Samoa, Tonga, and so the so-called tatau. In Tahiti, Tattoo. It was adapted to immediately tatau a word to the English language, and pronunciation changed to correspond with the English language and phonetics tattoos.
Tattooing has been practiced in all parts of the world. Has been a Eurasian practice at least since the Neolithic period. Was found on Otzi Iceman in the valley Otz in the Alps, dating back to the thousand 4 to 5, and was more or less Tattoo carbon 57, which consists of small dots and lines at the bottom of the spine to him, on his right ankle and behind the left knee. Was found the mummy of others, such as Amunet mummy from ancient Egypt dating back to the end of the millennium BC Tattoo 2 fruit.
Celtic and pre-Christian, and other Germanic tribes in Central Europe and North often a large tattoo, according to the accounts alive.
In the Western world today, and tattoos have arisen from the Polynesian explorers before 18 century. Became popular among European sailors, before they become popular all over the world.
In spite of the growing fascination with tattoos from the social sciences, as well as the peoples of the world and the immense popularity of tattooing the body itself, did not leave the practice a lot of the historical record.
The Canada Tattoo Body Art Design Ideas
The Canada Tattoo Body Art Design Ideas 0
by:Prayag Verma

Interests when choosing the design body art tattoos need to think about getting one displays your interests.
When you choose a symbolic code make sure you know what it means, because the same code will not have the same meaning for everyone to do a little research and make sure you know what I mean, if you're happy with it.

New Canada Tattoo Templates and Designs
New Canada Tattoo Templates and Designs 0
by:Prayag Verma

There are a lot of sites on this will direct you to a decent tattoo for the use of templates, and some other popular unique selection of tattoo designs there are literally endless, and this deters many from even getting a tattoo.

Sometimes the art of tattoo is the best design you can draw for yourself (if you can draw). Others say it's popular and tattoo artists. I personally think that it should be well thought out resolution to all of you have an idea to look for on the internet the meaning of history whatever you can to learn will give you a better guide if this is the right choice for you.

Once again people want the new art which is unique in design, who have never seen before, and would prefer that this would be my choice as I like to be different. If this is the same way it feels and then search in the sense that the design does not matter as much as, it will be based solely on whether you want to design a tattoo or not as simple as that, in my opinion.
Butterfly Rib TattoosDesigns For Women
Butterfly Rib TattoosDesigns For Women 0
by:Prayag Verma
Butterfly has been considered to be due to its natural beauty and symbolic significance of the women loved the design of tattoos.
Women are always involved in what is a butterfly from a tiny cocoon through a colorful life, the majority of people in favor of the freedom of roaming the world. It is like a woman out of her women and ready to face any challenge could come her way. It can also refer them to a new life or regeneration of a new beginning. If they are in difficult times, ready to begin in full swing to face the world again, and butterflies can also be symbolic of this. All of these focus on their meaning, its no wonder that a butterfly has been the choice for tattoo designs for women.

New Trendy Best Body Tattoos Ideas Designs For Your Girls
New Trendy Best Body Tattoos Ideas Designs For Your Girls 0
by:Prayag Verma
Full Body Tattoo Transformation
The history of full-body tattoos in Western culture straddles the lines between circus sideshows and the lifestyles of the eccentric and individualistic. Sometimes the tattooed transformation is accompanied by tales of wild fantasy and sometimes they are explained as simply the actions of someone just trying to be their true self.
New Tattoo Designs For Girls in Canada
New Tattoo Designs For Girls in Canada 0
by:Prayag Verma

1-The dolphin
The reason we decided to talk about getting a dolphin tattoo is because first off, dolphins are an animal that both guys and girls like, but it wouldn't look right on a man. Dolphins are fun and playful yet they can take care of themselves. If you get a tattoo of a dolphin then this will say a lot about who you are.
2-A fairy
The reason we are talking about fairy tattoo's is because you can literally take one fairy and have it means thousands of different things. If you are just looking for a cute tattoo you can get a fairy floating around. If you want a sexy tattoo you can get one of a fairy wearing a short skirt on your lower back.
3-A star
Star tattoo's are cool, not because the star is cool but because of what you can put inside the star. It has plenty of room to put just about any kind of design you want inside of it.
New Tribal Tattoos Designs on Canada
New Tribal Tattoos Designs on Canada 0
by:Prayag Verma
, why peoples do not likes every tattoos like their favorites, I don’t know but I think due to their designs they choose tattoos which are stylish and fashionable.
The Rib Tattoos Designs On Canada
The Rib Tattoos Designs On Canada 0
by:Prayag Verma
Collection of outstanding quality rib tattoos.

Nero Japanese Dragon Tattoos Designs
Nero Japanese Dragon Tattoos Designs 0
by:Prayag Verma
Let's start. The dragon has long been an important symbol in Japanese mythology. The Japanese dragon is a fascinating creature with the head of a camel, eyes of a hare, horns of a deer, scales of a carp, paws of a tiger, & claws of an eagle. Additionally, Japanese dragons also commonly have long whiskers as well as a jewel under its chin.
Don't get Japanese Dragon Tattoos until you read this. After reading this short editorial, you will be more well informed & able to make a better choice when selecting your Design.
Plenty of people are attracted to the beauty of these mystical creatures, but few people truly know what they symbolize. Japanese dragons, like their Chinese counterparts, are distinct from Western dragons. Whereas in Western culture they are depicted as wicked & malevolent, dragons in Japanese Mythology are viewed as guardians of the imperial families. For this reason, plenty of people chose the Japanese dragon to serve as a guardian & protector. In Japan, a dragon is normally called "Ryu" (You might recall Ryu from Street Fighter). These mythical beasts command a high level of respect since it is believed that the first emperor of Japan was descended from a dragon. In Japan, these creatures are also viewed as gods of lighting & thunder.
Popular locations for Japanese dragon tattoos include full back & upper arm designs. For upper arm designs, the dragon typically wraps around the arm, with the head extending onto the chest or back region. This however should not limit your decision on where to place this tattoo. The style & location of your design should be personal & unique, as these factors will ultimately decide the meaning of your tattoo.
Don't get Japanese Dragon Tattoos until you read this. After reading this short editorial, you will be more well informed & able to make a better choice when selecting your Design.
Plenty of people are attracted to the beauty of these mystical creatures, but few people truly know what they symbolize. Japanese dragons, like their Chinese counterparts, are distinct from Western dragons. Whereas in Western culture they are depicted as wicked & malevolent, dragons in Japanese Mythology are viewed as guardians of the imperial families. For this reason, plenty of people chose the Japanese dragon to serve as a guardian & protector. In Japan, a dragon is normally called "Ryu" (You might recall Ryu from Street Fighter). These mythical beasts command a high level of respect since it is believed that the first emperor of Japan was descended from a dragon. In Japan, these creatures are also viewed as gods of lighting & thunder.
Popular locations for Japanese dragon tattoos include full back & upper arm designs. For upper arm designs, the dragon typically wraps around the arm, with the head extending onto the chest or back region. This however should not limit your decision on where to place this tattoo. The style & location of your design should be personal & unique, as these factors will ultimately decide the meaning of your tattoo.
The Canada Animates Tattoo Designs
The Canada Animates Tattoo Designs 0
by:Prayag Verma
Been wondering for a long while what tattoo(s) I'd finally get for myself. I'm the oldest of 8 kids and everyone but the 3 youngest and me don't have a tattoo. My father is loaded with tattoos including a large Bald eagle that covers his entire chest. At first glance at my father and you'd not think he's covered with tats.
Anyways, I've always thought of Kanji writing as my younger brother has on the back of his neck but I've also of course thought of full anime tattoos. With the blessing of my fiancee, I'd most likely get a moe version of FFVII's Tifa Lockhart and even K-On!'s Mio wouldn't be bad if the tat is done right.
As I continue to ponder what to add, here's some interesting tattoos I found in a quick browse on the internets. Oh, and the title picture above is from yesterday's Anime Pic of the Day, can't get enough of that work by Muuten.