Monday, December 26, 2011

Laser Tattoo Removal - How Much Does It Cost?

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One of the first questions people have when considering laser tattoo removal is "How much is it going to cost?"

While laser tattoo removal is currently the most effective way to fade or completely remove a tattoo, it can also be expensive. It's pretty much guaranteed that you're going to have to spend more money to remove your tattoo than you did to have it put on you. The total cost of laser tattoo removal depends on a few different things:

1. The size of the tattoo

Most laser clinics will base their cost per treatment on the size of the area being treated. Small tattoos can cost as little as $50 per session. More commonly, though, you're probably going to be spending at least a couple hundred per session. So if you're planning on removing something like an entire back piece, be prepared to spend a lot of cash. The laser clinic will be able to tell you exactly how much each session will cost, based on the size of your tattoo.

2. The number of sessions required

The total cost of your tattoo removal is going to be the sum of all your sessions. Unfortunately the best a laser clinic can do is estimate how many sessions it will take to remove your tattoo. You will only know for sure once the tattoo is gone. There are a number of factors that determine how many treatments will be required to remove your tattoo. Typically darker colors respond better to the lasers, while bright colors can take longer. You can start to get an idea of how many sessions you'll need after you've had one or two done, based on how well your tattoo is fading. If you only need to fade your tattoo enough to be able to efficiently have it covered with another tattoo, you may only need a few treatments. On the other hand, if you want to completely remove any trace of the tattoo, it could take 10 or more treatments to effectively remove your tattoo.

3. The quality of the clinic/equipment being used

While you don't want to overspend, you should definitely be suspicious of unusually low prices. It could mean that the laser clinic is using inferior laser tattoo removal equipment. Do your research, and make sure you're going to get the best results possible or you could just be throwing your money away.

To get an exact quote of how much each session will cost, contact a laser tattoo removal clinic near you, and set up an appointment. The initial visit is normally free, and they will inform you of everything you need to know. They should have before and after photos of other patients' tattoo removal progress for you to look at. Don't trust any clinic that can't show you the results of their past patients, and make sure they have sufficiently answered all of your questions before you proceed with your laser tattoo removal.

By Dave S Berkeley

5 Things That Tattoo Experts Advise You to Check Upon Before Getting a Tattoo Done

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We all laugh, cry, smile and frown. All these expressions show on your face. Over time, these emotions etch lines on your skin. We call them wrinkles or age marks. They reflect the kind of life you have lived. It means the more wrinkles that are there on your skin, the more the emotions you have shown.

Some do not rely only upon these natural marking of the skin. They find other ways of commemorating important events and people in their life. Inking the skin is an excellent way of memorializing significant events. As such, tattoos have become widely accepted in every culture.

Today, tattoos have become a trend and are gaining a huge popularity among the youth. However, with the increase in their popularity, experienced tattoo designers are warning enthusiasts to beware of the risks associated with them. Here are five things that tattoo experts tell their clients to be cautious about:

1. Know what the tattoo design means.

There are many generic tattoo designs that people randomly see at tattoo shops. Tattoo designers simply let their clients choose designs without actually telling them what the design means. More often than not, people find out the meaning of design inked on their bodies from someone else. This is especially true with Chinese, Celtic, tribal and ancient designs. It's always frustrating to have a badly chosen design tattooed on your body. Please understand that since tattoos are a way of expressing yourself, you really have to know what your tattoo design means.

2. Beware of tattoo ink allergy.

Before you finally decide on having one, ask the designer if there is a possibility of ink causing some kind of allergy. Tattoo designers know very well which type of ink can cause allergy. It would be best for you to read the label of the tattoo kit and check for any precautionary measures. If you feel some kind of itching or inflammation during or after the session, consult your physician or ask the tattoo artist for some relief methods.

3. Avoid going to the questionable tattoo shops.

You may find some tattoo shops that offer designs at relatively low prices. Expert tattoo designers warn prospective clients to avoid visiting these shops and opt for their services. By not being aware and falling in for cheap tattoo deals, you may be putting yourself in danger of contracting infectious diseases. Even the government warns people to avoid taking the services of such questionable tattoo shops. Their reputation needs to be verified and check in person. Be hundred percent sure that the tattoo shop has all the required operating permits before you hire their services.

4. Ask for precautions and post tattoo car.

After having yourself tattooed, you need to know what should be done right after the session and for the duration when the tattoo is healing. Typically, tattoos need special care right after the session. Some inks may need to be kept away from water while others need to be chilled for some time. Some tattoo designers recommend regular maintenance of the tattoos. Asking for 'after care' is essential to ensure the tattoo lasts a long time in the best possible condition.

5. Make sure you want to be tattooed.

Before finally going at the tattoo shop and have a tattoo done, think objectively and be sure whether you really want a tattoo. Tattoos are meant to last a lifetime and you must be absolutely sure of your decision to do so. It is a painstaking and an awful experience to have a badly done tattoo removed from your skin. You do not want to endure that kind of pain and expense.

By Kristen Dunn

What's The Best Way To Become A Tattoo Artist?

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Well there are a couple different ways to go about achieving this and the best and most trusted way is to take one of the tattoo apprenticeships out there. What you need to do is go to your local tattoo studios and ask if they're taking on apprentices at the moment. But when you go don't just turn up totally unprepared. You should be well prepared for the owner to interview you on the spot and have your portfolio ready with all your artwork and any tattoo work you have done. Be confident and have a great attitude and a willingness to learn. If you don't show these attributes then this is not the right industry for you.

To become a tattoo artist you will be mentored by an experienced tattoo artist who will then teach you everything you need to learn the proper skills and knowledge to gain an exceptional understanding of how to tattoo any customer who comes through your door. Now you need to be prepared to do a lot of the rubbish grimy jobs around the tattoo studio when doing tattoo apprenticeships; this is all part and parcel of learning how to tattoo. You will be sweeping up, cleaning all the equipment, keeping the studio all tidy and respectable, making the tea, preparing any stencils or equipment for the tattoo artists working there. You might also be expected to run the front desk and deal with the customers so confidence when dealing with people is a must. If none of this type of work appeals to you then maybe an apprentice is not for you.

Now if tattoo apprenticeships are not for you then don't worry as there is another way to learn how to tattoo. This is learning to become a tattoo artist by attending a tattoo school. These are absolutely fantastic for people wishing to get involved in the tattoo industry who can't get an apprentice placement at a studio. They are usually 2 week courses, they cover every subject you need to know to be a competent tattoo artist and they have all the skills and knowledge needed to go and tattoo customers. Once you have completed the course you will then have some choices to make about what your next step is going to be.

The first option is to go and get an apprenticeship. You can use the skills and knowledge to help you gain an apprenticeship that you might not have been able to do previously due to your lack of experience. The next option if you are confident enough is to get a seat at a tattoo studio and start earning great money tattooing customers which many people do after completing a tattoo course. The next and final option is to start up your own tattoo studio which many students also do after completing the tattoo course. This is a big step but if you have the confidence and believe in the skills you were taught then this could be a great option for you.

By Peter Eamon Bailey

3 Reasons Why Henna Custom Tattoo Designs Are a Preferred Choice


Custom tattoo designs are now the hottest trend in the tattoo industry. Every day more and more people are getting tattoos of their choice inked on their bodies. While some are certified hobbyists who want to have their bodies inked, others are just curious wannabes. Once the process of carving a tattoo is complete, the sense of satisfaction that both the designer and the client feels is simply ecstatic. It is therefore not just the end result that satisfies you, but more of the whole experience.

The popularity of tattoos is increasing with every day and as a result, different techniques have come to be noticed. Henna tattoo is one of the few tattoo techniques that is being well accepted. Henna tattoos are inspired by the Indian and Asian traditions and make use of special ink that comes straight from nature. This technique is perfect for people who want to have a tattoo, but not a permanent one. So, if you are not sure about a design but would still want to try it out on your body, you can always go for a henna tattoo.

Because of this unique characteristic of henna tattoo, this technique has come to be loved by many. In addition to its temporary nature, here are three more benefits why henna tattoo has gained popularity.

They are free of chemicals and artificial colors saving you from allergic reactions and skin irritations: As mentioned earlier, the ink used for these tattoos is all natural. As such, you are assured that there are no toxic chemicals that get introduced to your system. Tattoo artists can play with the ink without worrying that your skin might get a rash or some allergic reaction. Unlike the permanent ones which are made of chemicals, henna tattoos can be used by almost anyone. However, those allergic to some particular chemical may need to be careful with henna ink in case the designer intends to mix chemicals in it. It fades away naturally with time. As the top most layers of the skin start to peel off, the tattoo also leaves the skin.

They can be made in all styles, forms, sizes and colors: Most of the henna tattoos are accompanied with design patterns and tattoo kits. If you want to try making your own designs, you can start with henna. Most of the professional tattoo artists use henna for practicing their skills. One thing that they love most about henna is that it can be used in almost any tattoo style. Traditional and modern designs can all be made using henna. The end result is also unique. Henna tattoos are not like the regular black or colored tattoo inks. Henna appears as tamed black, almost brownish, thus giving sufficient depth to any design.

They are reasonably priced and fit into everybody's budget: Affordability is one of the top most benefits of going in for henna tattoos. Henna custom design tattoos not only look good, but are also cheaper than the permanent tattoos. However, tattoo artists that use chemical inks as medium may charge a slightly higher fee for their services. So if you have a limited budget, you can try henna. The final result is absolutely the same except that the tattoo is not permanent. What's more, they look like real tattoos especially when done by expert professional tattoo artists.

Finally, if you are in two minds about getting a particular tattoo design inked on your body, you can go in for a henna tattoo. The experience and excitement of having a henna tattoo is the same as that of a getting a permanent tattoo done, except for the fact that it is milder than a permanent tattoo.

By Kristen Dunn

3 Ways to Become a Leading Tattoo Artist and Win Tattoo Design Contests

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For centuries, the human body has been a well-loved canvas for artistic expression. It offers tremendous opportunities for artists to express their ideas and creative abilities. As the craze for tattoos is increasing, the number of tattoo enthusiasts has also been on a rise ever since. This has called for generation of fresh and creative ideas from young as well as experienced tattoo artists. As such, they cannot solely depend upon conventional tattoo designs.

Tattoo design contests are becoming a very popular method of inviting tattoo artists to participate and show their creative geniuses. These contests are held every month to challenge the best tattoo artists from around the world. Artists belonging to different cultures, affinities and interests take part in these contests and flaunt their talent. Tattoo design contests have introduced new trends and transformed the landscape of tattoo art.

Only a select few qualify for tattoo design contests. If you are a tattoo artist wanting to ace the competition, here are the three top tips to be the winner:

1. Study your craft and build your own style: Every artist has his or her own style. These individual styles are developed over the years and do not come in an instant. Some tattoo artists choose traditional styles and designs while others prefer modern tattoo trends. As a tattoo designer, you'll not only have to develop your own style, but you'll also have to master the latest tattoo techniques, instruments and skills for creating realistic tattoos. Tattoo artists that are able to understand their client's preferences, taste, their background to create a design and the purpose of having that tattoo done on a specific body part increase their prospects of winning these types of contests.

2. Develop realistic design vision: There are a lot of good tattoo artists with excellent design ideas. However, when it comes to the actual laying out of the design, they fail to bring out their ideas. Tattoo design contests not only judge ideas based on their artistry or aesthetics, but also view the practicality and objectivity of the design. Similarly, size of the tattoo with respect to the design is also very important. For instance, if a design depicts complex intricate details but the size is relatively improbable, it is of no value. You should know that tattoo design contests are organized with the intent of getting conceivable designs from the most talented tattoo designers.

3. Personalize your tattoo designs: It has been observed that a majority of tattoo design contests take the preferences of a client as its basis. Usually, these contests define the parameters that the contestants have to follow. There could a number of reasons why a client would want a particular design, or have it inked on a particular body part. If he wants to celebrate or express symbolism through the tattoo, the artist should make sure that his/her design conveys that idea. This is considered as the most significant criterion in any contest.

In addition to these three pointers, it is still expected that an artist's design will somewhere reflect his/her signature style. This unique signature will help in setting their design apart from any other design and increase the chances of an artist winning the tattoo design contest.

By Kristen Dunn