Monday, December 26, 2011

3 Ways to Become a Leading Tattoo Artist and Win Tattoo Design Contests

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For centuries, the human body has been a well-loved canvas for artistic expression. It offers tremendous opportunities for artists to express their ideas and creative abilities. As the craze for tattoos is increasing, the number of tattoo enthusiasts has also been on a rise ever since. This has called for generation of fresh and creative ideas from young as well as experienced tattoo artists. As such, they cannot solely depend upon conventional tattoo designs.

Tattoo design contests are becoming a very popular method of inviting tattoo artists to participate and show their creative geniuses. These contests are held every month to challenge the best tattoo artists from around the world. Artists belonging to different cultures, affinities and interests take part in these contests and flaunt their talent. Tattoo design contests have introduced new trends and transformed the landscape of tattoo art.

Only a select few qualify for tattoo design contests. If you are a tattoo artist wanting to ace the competition, here are the three top tips to be the winner:

1. Study your craft and build your own style: Every artist has his or her own style. These individual styles are developed over the years and do not come in an instant. Some tattoo artists choose traditional styles and designs while others prefer modern tattoo trends. As a tattoo designer, you'll not only have to develop your own style, but you'll also have to master the latest tattoo techniques, instruments and skills for creating realistic tattoos. Tattoo artists that are able to understand their client's preferences, taste, their background to create a design and the purpose of having that tattoo done on a specific body part increase their prospects of winning these types of contests.

2. Develop realistic design vision: There are a lot of good tattoo artists with excellent design ideas. However, when it comes to the actual laying out of the design, they fail to bring out their ideas. Tattoo design contests not only judge ideas based on their artistry or aesthetics, but also view the practicality and objectivity of the design. Similarly, size of the tattoo with respect to the design is also very important. For instance, if a design depicts complex intricate details but the size is relatively improbable, it is of no value. You should know that tattoo design contests are organized with the intent of getting conceivable designs from the most talented tattoo designers.

3. Personalize your tattoo designs: It has been observed that a majority of tattoo design contests take the preferences of a client as its basis. Usually, these contests define the parameters that the contestants have to follow. There could a number of reasons why a client would want a particular design, or have it inked on a particular body part. If he wants to celebrate or express symbolism through the tattoo, the artist should make sure that his/her design conveys that idea. This is considered as the most significant criterion in any contest.

In addition to these three pointers, it is still expected that an artist's design will somewhere reflect his/her signature style. This unique signature will help in setting their design apart from any other design and increase the chances of an artist winning the tattoo design contest.

By Kristen Dunn
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