If you are not interested in the delicate nature of this dragonfly tattoo art style, you’ll find that you can still take advantage of heavy stylization and take a look at dragonfly tattoo designs that have been rendered in the tribal dragon tattoo style, with dramatic black strokes. You’ll find that there are plenty dragon tattoo artists who are willing to help you create a tattoo design or modify one that you have dreamed up.
Of all the tattoo designs and different sizes small tattoo designs are by far the most popular. They are trendy, sexy and not always feminine. Sure, the reason most women prefer small tattoo designs is that they are discreet and add to their femininity, however small tattoo designs are exploding in popularity among men too.

Some examples of popular designs for women that would be small and petit; butterfly tattoos, fairy tattoos and stars. Butterflies are much like flowers and considered to be feminine. Fairies are extremely popular because a lady will tend to add to the art by inserting butterflies, flowers or even stars in and about the fairy design. Stars are usually a simple and easy tattoo to design since a star is easily inked by itself, in a group or used as part of some really cool patterns. This allows the wearer to be very imaginative and creative with their design.
Women will regularly wear these designs on their hips, beneath their navels, on their lower backs or on the back of their necks, among other places where small designs can be inked. Men on the other hand will opt for small designs to replace rings, bracelets, earrings and other jewelry pieces.
There are many choices for men when considering small tattoo designs that wouldn’t be a test of their masculinity. Choices like Celtic bands which are popular as armband tattoo designs as well as on the wrist or finger area. Tribal designs and zodiac signs are also small tattoo designs men should consider.
Small tattoo designs most popular with men are logos of their favorite sports team, or their teams mascot. Also their significant others name, animals name or a signature tattoo is common. Another idea for men is a small word or phrase which represents a message or saying they wish to portray.
Another small tattoo design popular with both men and women is a music note, or a tattoo that represents music. This might be a music note or a replica of your favorite musical instrument.