Monday, December 26, 2011

5 Things That Tattoo Experts Advise You to Check Upon Before Getting a Tattoo Done

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We all laugh, cry, smile and frown. All these expressions show on your face. Over time, these emotions etch lines on your skin. We call them wrinkles or age marks. They reflect the kind of life you have lived. It means the more wrinkles that are there on your skin, the more the emotions you have shown.

Some do not rely only upon these natural marking of the skin. They find other ways of commemorating important events and people in their life. Inking the skin is an excellent way of memorializing significant events. As such, tattoos have become widely accepted in every culture.

Today, tattoos have become a trend and are gaining a huge popularity among the youth. However, with the increase in their popularity, experienced tattoo designers are warning enthusiasts to beware of the risks associated with them. Here are five things that tattoo experts tell their clients to be cautious about:

1. Know what the tattoo design means.

There are many generic tattoo designs that people randomly see at tattoo shops. Tattoo designers simply let their clients choose designs without actually telling them what the design means. More often than not, people find out the meaning of design inked on their bodies from someone else. This is especially true with Chinese, Celtic, tribal and ancient designs. It's always frustrating to have a badly chosen design tattooed on your body. Please understand that since tattoos are a way of expressing yourself, you really have to know what your tattoo design means.

2. Beware of tattoo ink allergy.

Before you finally decide on having one, ask the designer if there is a possibility of ink causing some kind of allergy. Tattoo designers know very well which type of ink can cause allergy. It would be best for you to read the label of the tattoo kit and check for any precautionary measures. If you feel some kind of itching or inflammation during or after the session, consult your physician or ask the tattoo artist for some relief methods.

3. Avoid going to the questionable tattoo shops.

You may find some tattoo shops that offer designs at relatively low prices. Expert tattoo designers warn prospective clients to avoid visiting these shops and opt for their services. By not being aware and falling in for cheap tattoo deals, you may be putting yourself in danger of contracting infectious diseases. Even the government warns people to avoid taking the services of such questionable tattoo shops. Their reputation needs to be verified and check in person. Be hundred percent sure that the tattoo shop has all the required operating permits before you hire their services.

4. Ask for precautions and post tattoo car.

After having yourself tattooed, you need to know what should be done right after the session and for the duration when the tattoo is healing. Typically, tattoos need special care right after the session. Some inks may need to be kept away from water while others need to be chilled for some time. Some tattoo designers recommend regular maintenance of the tattoos. Asking for 'after care' is essential to ensure the tattoo lasts a long time in the best possible condition.

5. Make sure you want to be tattooed.

Before finally going at the tattoo shop and have a tattoo done, think objectively and be sure whether you really want a tattoo. Tattoos are meant to last a lifetime and you must be absolutely sure of your decision to do so. It is a painstaking and an awful experience to have a badly done tattoo removed from your skin. You do not want to endure that kind of pain and expense.

By Kristen Dunn

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