Monday, December 26, 2011

Laser Tattoo Removal - How Much Does It Cost?

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One of the first questions people have when considering laser tattoo removal is "How much is it going to cost?"

While laser tattoo removal is currently the most effective way to fade or completely remove a tattoo, it can also be expensive. It's pretty much guaranteed that you're going to have to spend more money to remove your tattoo than you did to have it put on you. The total cost of laser tattoo removal depends on a few different things:

1. The size of the tattoo

Most laser clinics will base their cost per treatment on the size of the area being treated. Small tattoos can cost as little as $50 per session. More commonly, though, you're probably going to be spending at least a couple hundred per session. So if you're planning on removing something like an entire back piece, be prepared to spend a lot of cash. The laser clinic will be able to tell you exactly how much each session will cost, based on the size of your tattoo.

2. The number of sessions required

The total cost of your tattoo removal is going to be the sum of all your sessions. Unfortunately the best a laser clinic can do is estimate how many sessions it will take to remove your tattoo. You will only know for sure once the tattoo is gone. There are a number of factors that determine how many treatments will be required to remove your tattoo. Typically darker colors respond better to the lasers, while bright colors can take longer. You can start to get an idea of how many sessions you'll need after you've had one or two done, based on how well your tattoo is fading. If you only need to fade your tattoo enough to be able to efficiently have it covered with another tattoo, you may only need a few treatments. On the other hand, if you want to completely remove any trace of the tattoo, it could take 10 or more treatments to effectively remove your tattoo.

3. The quality of the clinic/equipment being used

While you don't want to overspend, you should definitely be suspicious of unusually low prices. It could mean that the laser clinic is using inferior laser tattoo removal equipment. Do your research, and make sure you're going to get the best results possible or you could just be throwing your money away.

To get an exact quote of how much each session will cost, contact a laser tattoo removal clinic near you, and set up an appointment. The initial visit is normally free, and they will inform you of everything you need to know. They should have before and after photos of other patients' tattoo removal progress for you to look at. Don't trust any clinic that can't show you the results of their past patients, and make sure they have sufficiently answered all of your questions before you proceed with your laser tattoo removal.

By Dave S Berkeley
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