Actually, it is not a new thing for women to get tattoos or "inked" as it frequently called. Women have been getting tattoos for thousands of years, and despite the fact we think tattoos have been an art practiced only on men, in some cultures only the women get tattoos. In some of these cultures the women get the tattoos as a way to show off various skills, like basket weaving, food gathering and to show they are suitable for marriage.
The word tattoo means "to get marked" and comes from the Tahitian word “Tattau” but today people who love tattoos commonly refer to it as body art.
Tattooing has gone through its ups and downs over the approximate twelve thousand years it has been estimated it has been practiced, and has been banned many times in different cultures for periods of time. However, it appears that tattooing is here to stay, whenever it has been banned, it just seems to go underground and when things cool down it resurfaces again.
Up until the early last century there was a huge stigma associated with tattoos, which prevented western women in particular, from getting a tattoo Times have changed, and women will no longer be told what they can and cannot do, and where 40 or 50 years ago only 10 percent of western women had tattoos, it's now close to 60 percent.
Women usually prefer more delicate tattoos such as flowers, butterflies, fairies and generally favor more colorful, fun, and intricate tattoo designs. Which is probably the most sellable among women especially the younger ones. You can also get a tattoo that is in the form of a text, some letters, Chinese or Japanese calligraphy, or you can get all sorts of shapes and sizes.
While they can be reproduced on skin in smaller versions, dragon tattoos are much more impressive-looking when done in large sizes, which heal much slower than smaller tattoos. While there are many thousands of girl tattoos to chose from, many women later in life come to understand what made them decide on the design they finally did. While men tattoos are often chosen on the day, girl tattoos are usually thought over long and hard, perhaps for months.